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Over the years, CanPKU+ has become affiliated with and/or worked closely with several organizations. This networking allows us to be more informed about issues affecting IEM (Inborn Errors of Metabolism) families, and more effective in advocating for the needs of our community.  Examples of these affiliations are below.  If you are an organization that we have cooperated with in the past and want to be listed here, email us and let us know!

These are in no particular order.



Best Medicine Coalition Med Access BC Specialty Food Shop
National PKU Alliance - United States Global Genes National Foods



Rare Disease Day

 NECPAD - New England Connection for PKU and Allied Disorders

Inform Rare



How Much Phe

Global Association for PKU (

Cook for Love 



Canadian Inherited Metabolic

Diseases Research Network


PRA Health Sciences 

Now part of ICON

CORD - Canadian Organization

Rare Disorders


M.A.G.I.C Clinic RareX

MPS Society


In connection with the Government of Canada we were able to access a grant via Canadian Red Cross during COVID to buy devices for families and individuals to keep in touch

HCU Network America




CIHR - Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Regroupement québécois des maladies orphelines

Clinical Trials Ontario


MSUD Family Support Group UCD in Common


National Organization

for Rare Disease



National Urea Cycle Disorders


Garrod Association McMaster University


Waterloo University University of Toronto

We hoipe to continue

to be good partners to

Canadian Metabolic Clinics.